With design for manufacturing, our design process focused on the design over its cost, but always keeping in mind how parts needed to be made. With manufacturing at the core of a design, we're able to fix potential problems in the design phase rather than after production. In many cases, the end product is made up of an assembly of different pieces to simplify manufacturing or to achieve specific design goals. Each piece represents a certain tolerance and put together, things might not work or fit if they weren t accounted for in the design. We'll take a closer look at design and detail for manufacture and create toolpaths to cut parts. Even if the end goal as an engineer isn t to fabricate your own parts, it s a valuable skill to understand how things are made and what design decisions can ultimately affect how something is created. After taking this course, you'll be able to: - Inspect a multicomponent assembly. - Identify manufacturing methods based on part inspection. - Create detailed drawings for manufacturing. - Practice creating toolpaths for manufacture.