Machine Learning for Accounting with Python
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Machine Learning for Accounting with Python
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About this course
This course, Machine Learning for Accounting with Python, introduces machine learning algorithms (models) and their applications in accounting problems. It covers classification, regression, clustering, text analysis, time series analysis. It also discusses model evaluation and model optimization. This course provides an entry point for students to be able to apply proper machine learning models on business related datasets with Python to solve various problems. Accounting Data Analytics with Python is a prerequisite for this course. This course is running on the same platform (Jupyter Notebook) as that of the prerequisite course. While Accounting Data Analytics with Python covers data understanding and data preparation in the data analytics process, this course covers the next two steps in the process, modeling and model evaluation. Upon completion of the two courses, students should be able to complete an entire data analytics process with Python.


Thầy Minh

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