Identifying Security Vulnerabilities in C/C++Programming
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Identifying Security Vulnerabilities in C/C++Programming
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About this course
This course builds upon the skills and coding practices learned in both Principles of Secure Coding and Identifying Security Vulnerabilities, courses one and two, in this specialization. This course uses the focusing technique that asks you to think about: what to watch out for and where to look to evaluate and ultimately remediate fragile C++ library code. The techniques you ll be examining will make your programs perform accurately and be resistant to attempts to perform inaccurately. This is really what the term secure programming means. You will be shown common errors that people make, and then learn how to program more robustly. You will apply tips and best practices to help you improve your programming style and help you to avoid common problems like buffer overflows, which may or may not cause security problems.


Thầy Minh

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